传奇元宝辅助 游码传奇:搬砖收徒

03/15 01:36:36 来源网站:辅助卡盟网

That involves a rob resources problems, I believe that a lot of friends met move brick, into the figure was killed, this is very normal things, then we will follow to rob, and don't be afraid to studio, studio basic is automatically hang up, they many area have account, if you are in a hard steel with them, they are not just with you to the end。


Finished talking about resources, began to say what is the process of gold in the end, and not brainless hang up to play a map to sell ingot, it is not realistic, just opened the area you may have a small one hundred a day, the latter will not be so high, because prices will fall.So let me share with you my own process of starting from scratch,

First of all is the choice of open area, as far as possible just open area to go in, a one-time number to build, open area time is every day at ten o 'clock in the morning with four in the afternoon, their time into the area.

Up, be sure to spend money, especially in gold, if you don't open membership, equipment is not trading, it must consider to be clear about to choose to don't move, in credit it, this is a personal matter of time, you compared to the others early, faster than others, it's advantages, to finish the task, after three circles, can hang up, early hangs the inside of the passengers can picture, high efficiency, Play a few days to sell ingot, basic can go back to this half, behind is the focus, give priority to the large get five turn, get a set of five turn or four turn equipment, go to the two continents to play high-grade materials and ingot to the trumpet, let the trumpet as soon as possible, and then go to the two continents team hung up.

The general process is like this, xiaobai can refer to my advice, moving brick friends can also discuss together, I hope we can develop into a sideline

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传奇元宝辅助 游码传奇:搬砖收徒